Hot Mess English Translation Lyrics by Taeyeon
아우성대 미친 세상이
A world gone mad, screaming out
온통 빙빙 돈 듯이
Spinning all around like a whirl
새벽 내 현기증이 일어
Dizziness strikes me at dawn
기울어 뒤집힌 시야 끝에
At the edge of my tilted, overturned view
걸친 너의 실루엣
Lingers your silhouette
위태로운 걸음이 웃겨
Your unsteady steps are amusing
어디에도 구원은 없어
There’s no salvation anywhere
그럴 때면 더 미치고 싶어
At times like this, I just want to go crazier
I-I-I’m a hot mess
I-I-I’m a hot mess
And you, you ain’t so different
And you, you ain’t so different
어지러운 세상 속에
In this chaotic world
난 너와 함께 망가지고 있어
I’m breaking down with you
I’m a hot mess
I’m a hot mess
더 무너트려 세게
Let’s shatter it harder
뒤틀린 세상 속에
In this twisted world
더 선명하게 부서지고 있어
We’re breaking more vividly
일그러지는, oh
Distorting, oh
Mess up my life some more
Mess up my life some more
온통 헤집어, oh
Tear it all apart, oh
아프게 숨을 조인 어깨와
Shoulders tightened by painful breaths
허우적댄 꼴을 봐
Look at us flailing around
거울 속의 우린 so funny
We’re so funny in the mirror
뜨거운 숨에 데인 그 순간
Burned by scorching breaths in that moment
깊었었던 흉터가
Deep scars
뒤덮여 이 순간은 잠시
Are momentarily covered in this instant
멈춘 듯한 시간 속에서
In a time that feels frozen
아득해지는 세상은 quiet
The fading world is quiet
I-I-I’m a hot mess
I-I-I’m a hot mess
And you, you ain’t so different
And you, you ain’t so different
어지러운 세상 속에
In this chaotic world
난 너와 함께 망가지고 있어
I’m breaking down with you
I’m a hot mess
I’m a hot mess
더 무너트려 세게
Let’s shatter it harder
뒤틀린 세상 속에
In this twisted world
더 선명하게 부서지고 있어
We’re breaking more vividly
일그러지는, oh
Distorting, oh
온통 헤집어, oh
Tear it all apart, oh
일그러지는, oh
Distorting, oh
Mess up my life some more
Mess up my life some more
- “아우성대 미친 세상이” is translated as “A world gone mad, screaming out.” The use of “gone mad” and “screaming out” introduces dramatic expressions that convey chaos vividly.
- “기울어 뒤집힌 시야 끝에” becomes “At the edge of my tilted, overturned view,” showcasing how “tilted” and “overturned” are used to describe perspective changes effectively.
- “위태로운 걸음이 웃겨” translates to “Your unsteady steps are amusing.” The word “unsteady” adds nuance to describe instability in English.
- “난 너와 함께 망가지고 있어” as “I’m breaking down with you” highlights the use of “breaking down” as a common phrase for emotional or physical collapse.
- “더 선명하게 부서지고 있어” is rendered as “We’re breaking more vividly,” showing how “vividly” emphasizes intensity.
- “뜨거운 숨에 데인 그 순간” becomes “Burned by scorching breaths in that moment,” using “scorching” to vividly describe heat-related sensations.
- “멈춘 듯한 시간 속에서” as “In a time that feels frozen” illustrates how “frozen” conveys stillness and emotional pause effectively.
- “Mess up my life some more” is a recurring English line that directly provides learners with a conversational and expressive phrase used in emotional contexts.