Shedding Skin Lyrics by Destroy Boys
Everything rises and falls
Wheel of fortune rules us all
I lost my group of friends about twelve years ago
And again, I’m a snake shedding skin
And again, I’m a snake shedding skin
Humans seek patterns and it seems like a lot
Of animals fall into their own rhythms
We just have words to organize our thoughts
I keep seeing the same things
I keep seeing the same things
And I don’t know if I want them to change
I like my life this way
And I don’t know if I want them to change
I have a void between my legs and I imagine my insides are black
Shielded from the light
But the outside gets some sun when I let it
I keep seeing the same things
I keep seeing the same things
And I don’t know if I want them to change
But it’s the only constant every day