no fun

Blink-182 - NO FUN Lyrics


American rock band formed in 1992 in Poway, California.

NO FUN lyrics by Blink-182

It’s gotten crazy as a heart attack
At a rich girl’s party but I’m stuck out back
I’m locked outside, inside my mind
I’ve got to know, is this my life?
We saw the summer in our photographs
Planned out the future, said we won’t look back
Now all that news, that dream ain’t true
So hey, fuck me, and fuck you too

The days are so dramatic, a little tragic
Whatever happened to us since the 90s
When punk was independent, and then it wasn’t
When everyone became a part of that scene
The internet was taking off, showing off
A thousand other millionaires and silicone things
Fuck, we really set it off, and pissed ’em off
Touring in the band when I was only 18

If you want to try again, now and then you’re alone but no longer 18
I know you’re nervous sometimes
It’s a game, do you know what I mean?
There’s no fun anymore and nothing to do, nothing to see
No fun anymore, everyone’s bored ’cause we cut off our wings
No fun anymore

Your plan was overrated, and when you made it
‘Cause you were young, you wouldn’t know a damn thing
A marriage simulated, will get deflated
The friends you had will have a kid and never be seen
Your job is never good enough, or cool enough
There’s never passion in a deadly routine
Secretly I say it, yeah I admit it
I kinda think that I just did the same thing

If you want to try again, now and then you’re alone but no longer 18
I know you’re nervous sometimes
It’s a game, do you know what I mean?
There’s no fun anymore and nothing to do, nothing to see
No fun anymore, everyone’s bored ’cause we cut off their wings
No fun anymore, changing the drug, leaving the speed
No fun anymore, and everything sucks when you’re swimming upstream
No fun anymore


American rock band formed in 1992 in Poway, California.



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