
Do you have a request for song lyrics or translations to be added to our database? Or maybe some feedback on how we can improve our site and services? Whatever is on your mind, we’re all ears. Please feel free to reach out using the contact information below.

Our customer support team strives to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.

Lyrics/Translation Requests

If you’d like to request particular song lyrics or a translation in a specific language, please email us at with the following information:

– Song Title
– Artist Name
– Original Language
– Requested Translation Language(s)

We’ll do our best to acquire the lyrics and provide professional translations based on demand.

Feedback? Let Us Know!

Your input helps us improve. Did you have a great experience with our site? Or maybe some suggestions on new features to add? Please share your feedback, comments, or even criticism by emailing We’re always looking for ways to make Songstrain an even better resource.

Follow Us Online

Be the first to know about new lyrics and translations by following us on social media:

Facebook: /songstrain
Twitter: @songstrain
Instagram: @songstrain

We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your requests and feedback. Thanks for using Songstrain!