Lyrics Translation (Line-by-Line)
한 철 마음에 피어난 꽃들이 저물고
The flowers that bloomed briefly in my heart have withered.
하얀 눈은 또 내려오네요
White snow falls once again.
추운 바람에도 우리 외롭지 말아요
Let’s not feel lonely, even in the cold wind.
눈이 내려오네요
Snow is falling down.
걸어온 날들이 하얀색으로 가득하네요
The days we’ve walked are now covered in white.
난 기억이 안 나요 떠밀려왔나요
I can’t remember—was I pushed along?
지난 우리가 보이지 않네요
The past us is nowhere to be seen.
우리 잘 지내왔나요
Have we been doing well?
서툴고 벅찬 하루살이에 눈물을 삼키고
Swallowing tears in clumsy, overwhelming days.
힘겨운 웃음을 애써지었나요
Did we force those weary smiles?
누구를 위해 웃어야 했었나요
For whom did we have to smile?
짙게 물들어버린
The heart that was deeply stained.
마음은 또 짙어질 뿐이죠
Only grows deeper still.
지나감으로 바래져 가던 마음에
In a heart that faded with passing time.
하얀 눈은 다시 우릴 찾아오네요
White snow finds us again.
걸음이 남긴 상처도
The wounds left by our steps.
참아왔던 눈물도
The tears we endured.
언젠간 순간의 찬란함이겠죠
Will someday shine as a radiant moment.
어디서 와 어디로 가는진 몰라도
Though we don’t know where we came from or where we’re headed.
하얀 눈은 다시 우릴 안아주네요
The white snow embraces us once again.
언제든 어지러웠을 마음도
No matter how restless our hearts have been.
오늘은 잠에 들 거예요
Tonight, they will find rest.
살아지는 것이 더 어렵네요
Just living is becoming harder.
많고 많던 꿈과 사랑도 사라졌네요
So many dreams and loves have disappeared.
찬 바람이 부네요
A cold wind blows.
지는 해를 보내고선 밤이 되었네요
Sending off the setting sun, it’s now night.
지나감으로 바래져 가던 마음에
In a heart that faded with passing time.
하얀 눈은 다시 우릴 찾아오네요
White snow finds us again.
걸음이 남긴 상처도
The wounds left by our steps.
참아왔던 눈물도
The tears we endured.
언젠간 순간의 찬란함이겠죠
Will someday shine as a radiant moment.
찬 바람에 외로움이 초라해진대도
Even if loneliness grows small in the cold wind.
우린 이 밤을 놓지 말아요
Let’s not let go of this night.
어두운 밤사이 하얗게 내린 눈들에
Under the white snow that fell in the dark night.
가려질 길들에서도 시들지 않게
Let’s not wither, even on paths that may be covered.
눈이 내려오네요
Snow is falling down.
걸어온 날들이
The days we’ve walked.
하얀색으로 가득하네요
Are filled with white.
난 기억이 안 나요
I can’t remember.
Was I pushed along?
지난 우리가 보이지 않네요
The past us is nowhere to be seen.
난 어땠었던가요
How have I been?
잘 지내왔나요
Have I been doing well?
상처 줄 바에 그냥 웃었었나요
Did I just smile to avoid causing pain?
나 울어도 될까요
Can I cry now?
그래도 될까요
Is that okay?