Turco - RMN English Translation Lyrics

RMN English Translation Lyrics by Turco

Through the capital, the path began
The business started, and I went that way
Always thinking about what’s next
Aiming high, something good will come

Part Italian, with the skill of a clever Turk
Always sharp and eager for a little more
Looking beyond what others see, ready for whatever may come
The vision helped me more than enough

Without fear of change, and with even more drive
I turned the wheel towards the backpack
Taking my chances to see what comes
I trusted myself, without looking back

Confident in what’s inside the pack
Life knew it was my time
I put in the effort, and now things aren’t bad
Two treasures that always go with me
They know they’ll never lack for anything
They’re what gives me the most strength

And a trip around the world
When there’s rest, and it’s time to relax
They know everything is a moment, and we should enjoy

Without giving details of where I am
They know that cars are my thing
Tracks that kept secrets, my company knows
That and more

Double S Super Sport
And a good drink for all I’ve lived through and because the house looks better
No one matches a mother’s love, and much less her good cooking
I thank the teacher

I remember the advice from the old man, who gave it to me when I was young
With drinks and good friends
Today, I live well-connected

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