English Translation | 3 CAÍDAS


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Three times fallen, but always I rise unharmed
Rapping in school
“Saiko” was given to me by my brother and that was the beginning
I knocked on every door, but despite that
They shut them on me, saying, “You’re not cut out for this”
Since I was 13, wondering if this shit is worth it
Feeling like my own boss now that I’m 20
Work twice as hard, talent is abundant
Numbers lie, but sold-out shows don’t
I put all my faith in a mic, I have to move forward
Even if there was no strength left, even if it feels enormous
I can’t leave it here, I can’t give up
Hit rock bottom, gathered strength to surpass myself today
From my room reaching all hemispheres
From Granada building an empire
I see serious faces since I got serious

It’s only what it is, who’s gonna talk
That’s why I don’t say much
Many people are like “ah”, hey
The music is what speaks

And now don’t come this way
The numbers prove it and they can’t buy me
Six figures on the table and I still say no to signing
No one has ever done it, no
They’re bothered by my shine because I could overshadow them
But now it’s their turn to suck it up
Saiko without publicity, Saiko without collaborations
But Saiko is the only one who keeps rising
One floor for me and another for mom and dad
If I catch you, I’ll do to you what I did to “Las Bratz”
I screwed myself to be in my place
“I don’t understand how he’s so famous”
You don’t have to understand anything, fool
Shut your mouth, you’re so backward

And when fear comes out of me
My saints tell me to never stop
That mine is written in blood of daggers
They step on me, but I endure the rules
And XL likes my evils
Three times I fall, three rivals
Fear, anxiety, me and no one else
And since then I haven’t looked back, back
Back, I have them all behind me

I feel like Ñengo in PR when I come down to Granada (Hahaha)
I knew this would happen, I don’t usually make mistakes
I have lines at shows that last longer than the shows
And I’m sure I fly more than a commercial pilot
The JC, LOS GREEN LANTERNS really gave it to me
Quevedo with his island made me a canary
I owe this to Della and the PXXR GVNG
To Granada and the sacrifices I’ve had to endure

Mera, Indica, Saiko
Here speaking to you is The Black Panther, from PR
We’ve been kings since we were kids, I know you’re already clear about that
But I was throwing it out there to remind you that you’re part of the future of this thing
So don’t let yourself down or back down
This is SAKURA, got it?
Young Kingz, baby, haha
And we’ve escaped from jail
We’ll be in cemeteries, like everyone else
Mine are still ready to cash in on the industry
But you know
God bless La Vendicion, God bless La Mano de Oro, God bless my Saiko, ah