Quevedo - TE FALLÉ English Translation Lyrics

Featuring Artist: Sech

TE FALLÉ English Translation Lyrics by Quevedo

Luck, I need you to come with me to see her again
Before someone else deceives her, and I know she’s used to
Having more people hurt her, like I let her down, yes, I let her down

Tell him you saw me on the street
That you were by my side when no one else was there
I left too soon, and later it was too late
I decided to come back when I saw you with him

I-I imagine you counted how many times I lied to you
Ah, and now your friends call me “Titi”
I keep drinking, but I quit the peaky
I know I messed up, walking the city, deep in thought

Tell him about the bad, the good, and the sweet moments
You were my Ecuador, that’s why I can’t give up
You’re not a sound; I won’t limit you
His house is a prison, what day should I visit them?

And another night doing it with him
Why doesn’t this jerk get his act together?
If you’re dating, it’s because I wanted it that way
I was talking to your sister, but you’re the cooler one

Talking to you like a buddy
How the hell can I say I don’t miss you?
It was just yesterday at the club, and I cried in the bathroom, yeah

Luck, I need you to come with me to see her again
Before someone else deceives her, and I know she’s used to
Having more people fail her, but I let her down, yes, I let her down

Tell him you saw me on the street
That you were by my side when no one else was there
I left too soon, and later it was too late
I decided to come back when I saw you with him

Hey, how’s it going? I hope everything’s OK
I can’t get out of bed; I don’t know what to wear today
Or why, if I’m just going to spend the whole day playing PlayStation
I know I shouldn’t be where I am

I should be giving you a massage
Or cooking your favorite meal
Or walking hand in hand with you on the beach
Driving you to a beautiful scenic spot

I’m listening to Amaral’s old songs
Number one everywhere, except in your heart
And I used to be a star player; the magnet’s still on the fridge
The one you brought back when you went skiing

If you’re not coming back, please, get out of my head
My life is tasteless, God, add some salt to it
It’s 2:26
And I’m writing this so it doesn’t turn into some commercial track

Because I have a career, a public to feed
Constant pressure, I don’t know where it’s heading
And the only thing I lack is the strength to send this to you, baby
But I’m going to send it anyway

Luck, I need you to come with me to see her again
Before someone else deceives her, and I know she’s used to
Having more people hurt her, like I let her down, yes, I let her down

Tell him you saw me on the street
That you were by my side when no one else was there
I left too soon, and later it was too late
I decided to come back when I saw you with him

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