
English Translation | Quinceañera


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I wish I could stop time and hold it still
To carry you in my arms like I did yesterday
But the moment has come, you’re almost a woman
Today you turn fifteen springs, my little baby

It seems like yesterday when I first held you in my arms
My little baby, today you turn fifteen years old
It seems like yesterday when I first held you in my arms
My little baby, today you turn fifteen years old

And I hope you’ve learned everything I’ve taught you
So you’ll find someone like me, who has given you my life
Fifteen years can’t be seen anymore, the little girl is now a woman
And now that I have her so beautiful in front of me, I can’t believe it

It seems like yesterday when I first held you in my arms
My little baby, today you turn fifteen years old
It seems like yesterday when I first held you in my arms
My little baby, today you turn fifteen years old

I feel like crying, seeing my beautiful girl
Turn into a rose, full of happiness
And I hope she gets everything she wants
Because I’ll always be there with the stars shining above

I love you, baby
My beautiful girl
We’ve got the world dancing