Luciérnaga English Translation Lyrics by José Madero
Tu ausencia la sentí inmediata
[Your absence I felt immediately]
No llegaste a casa
[You didn’t come home]
Al recibir la llamada
[When I received the call]
También mi vida estaba acabada
[My life was also over]
No volarás como paloma
[You won’t fly like a dove]
Nunca tendrás tu noche de bodas
[You’ll never have your wedding night]
Nunca serás madre como era yo
[You’ll never be a mother like I was]
No usarás más esa corona
[You won’t wear that crown anymore]
No estarás más aquí ni ahora
[You won’t be here anymore, not now]
Alguien robó la vida que te di yo (Fui yo)
[Someone stole the life I gave you (It was me)]
Fui yo, fui yo
[It was me, it was me]
Fui yo, fui yo
[It was me, it was me]
Fui yo
[It was me]
La culpa es mía (Yo)
[The blame is mine (Me)]
Fui yo, fui yo
[It was me, it was me]
Fui yo, fui yo
[It was me, it was me]
Fui yo, oh-oh
[It was me, oh-oh]
Grítale a Dios, nos tiene olvidados
[Yell at God, he’s forgotten us]
Tal vez esté un poco cansado
[Maybe he’s a bit tired]
O chance, como la tuya, su luz murió
[Or perhaps, like yours, his light died]
La autoridad no se ha presentado
[Authority hasn’t shown up]
Sigue con vida ese bastardo
[That bastard is still alive]
Si ellos te ignoran, juro que lo haré yo
[If they ignore you, I swear I’ll do it]
Fui yo, fui yo
[It was me, it was me]
Nuestra conexión es inquebrantable
[Our connection is unbreakable]
Más allá del tiempo, la distancia y lo palpable
[Beyond time, distance, and what’s tangible]
Me consuela llevarte en mí
[It comforts me to carry you within me]
Cierro los ojos y veo tu luz radiante
[I close my eyes and see your radiant light]
La culpa ya no cabe
[There’s no more room for blame]
No había modo de defenderte de ese infame
[There was no way to defend you from that infamous act]
De algo inexplicable
[From something inexplicable]
Ahora solo queda nuestro amor inagotable
[Now all that remains is our inexhaustible love]
Nuestro amor eterno
[Our eternal love]
Sanar en voz alta, evita que otros mueran en silencio (Hmm-mm-mm; oh-oh-oh-oh)
[Healing aloud prevents others from dying in silence (Hmm-mm-mm; oh-oh-oh-oh)]
Honraremos tu memoria (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
[We’ll honor your memory (Oh-oh, oh-oh)]
Brilla como siempre, hija (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
[Shine as always, daughter (Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)]
Brilla eternamente
[Shine eternally]
Dura tanto este maldito instante (Brilla eternamente)
[This damn moment lasts so long (Shine eternally)]
Dura tanto este maldito instante (Brilla eternamente)
[This damn moment lasts so long (Shine eternally)]
Dura tanto este maldito instante (Brilla eternamente)
[This damn moment lasts so long (Shine eternally)]
Brillas tanto y se apagó un instante
[You shone so brightly and a moment faded]
No limpiaré tu sangre
[I won’t clean your blood]
No limpiaré mi sangre
[I won’t clean my blood]
No limpiaré tu sangre
[I won’t clean your blood]
Siempre seré tu madre
[I will always be your mother]
Tu madre
[Your mother]
Tu madre
[Your mother]
Si hubiera presentido
[If only I had sensed it]
Si te hubiera podido defender
[If I could have defended you]
Si pudiera regresar el tiempo (Fui yo)
[If I could turn back time (It was me)]
Si nada de esto hubiera ocurrido (Fui yo)
[If none of this had happened (It was me)]
Si estuvieras aquí
[If you were here]
Si estuvieras aquí (Fui yo)
[If you were here (It was me)]
Si estuvieras aquí
[If you were here]