Feid - AGAIN English Translation Lyrics

AGAIN English Translation Lyrics by Feid

(AGAIN English Translation Lyrics by Feid, Sky Rompiendo & Majid Jordan)

Every night, dancing by the water
Girl, I love the way we both combine
And every time
Every single moment, I can’t help but get lost on those eyes
I love when you call, baby
Your voice is so soft, hey
He’s spending this money, baby
You don’t need to ask me again
We already know
You need some more care
Keep doin’ that thing, I’m spendin’
You don’t need to ask me again

I just wanna love you again
You don’t need to ask me again
I just wanna love you again

¿Cómo está’? Como se arregló de linda, mami
How are you? You got so dolled up, baby

Socio, no la miren
Bro, don’t look at her

Estoy seguro que a esa chimba le soy fiel, I ain’t wanna cheat her
I’m sure I’m loyal to that beauty, I ain’t gonna cheat on her

Esta noche quiero darte a ti, fuck si te caen miles
Tonight I want to give it all to you, forget if others are after you

Mami, you will be fine
Baby, you will be fine

No nos pongamo’ a inventar
Let’s not overthink this

Vamos pa’ otro lugar
Let’s go somewhere else

Te doy mi money, yo te cuido, baby, eso es esencial
I’ll give you my money, I’ll take care of you, baby, that’s essential

Que no se equivoquen, que tú está’ conmigo
Let them not mistake it, you’re with me

Solo te toquen (Wow)
Only I can touch you (Wow)

Si se ponen caja’, to’ los míos se la sacan del pocket
If they act up, my crew pulls it out of their pocket

Soy así, soy así
That’s just how I am, that’s how I am

Pa’ ti yo soy lo mejor
For you, I’m the best

Tú me puedes hablar malo, y suena rica tu voz
You can talk dirty to me, and your voice sounds so sweet

Medellín, Medellín, es más chimba los dos
Medellín, Medellín, we’re even more stunning together

Si me voy de aquí, yo me voy, pero con vos
If I leave here, I’m leaving, but with you

I just wanna love you again
You don’t need to ask me again
I just wanna love you again
You don’t need to ask me again

Every night, we might be getting better

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