Eden Muñoz - Traigo Saldo y Ganas de Rogar English Translation Lyrics

Traigo Saldo y Ganas de Rogar English Translation Lyrics by Eden Muñoz

Missing someone I won’t name
Here’s a hint: they look a lot like you
Right now, I can’t stand the distance
I know everything about your life from my fake accounts

You’d better not make a peep, because I’m heading out today
And although I’ve been a good ex, if you make a move, I’ll slip up
And if I’m in a somewhat awkward state
You see what happens when I wake people up

I’ve got credit and I’m ready to beg
Damn craving to lose my dignity
Why say no? If you heard the rumor
Lately, recently, I’ve missed you a hell of a lot
I’m ready for the second season
Because this doesn’t end until it ends
Are you in or what? It’d be good to know
Just in case one of these days I get searched for too

You know who, you know who

Here it goes, little one
From your friend Eden Muñoz

I’ve got credit and I’m ready to beg
Damn craving to lose my dignity
Why say no? If you heard the rumor
Lately, recently, I’ve missed you a hell of a lot
I’m ready for the second season
Because this doesn’t end until it ends
Are you in or what? It’d be good to know
Just in case one of these days I get searched for too

You know who, you know who

You know who, you know who

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