Chiara Oliver

English Translation | ​​el parque

Chiara Oliver

Updated on

It’s cold in the room
Where there once was warmth
Everything changes color
I surrender with this song

If I notice, you’re not here
Everything changes, it’s not the same
It wasn’t easy to accept
That you wouldn’t be here until the end

I’ve had so many sleepless nights
I return to the piano searching for you
How long until we can go back
Pure inertia if you leave
If you’re no longer in the park

There’s no more cold or room
They were cameras on a set
Just echoes of your voice
No control, everything is so fast

I prepared myself to miss you
I prepared to face feeling
And now maybe there are no prejudices
I understood that we are fine this way

I’ve had so many sleepless nights
I return to the piano searching for you
How long until we can go back
If you’re no longer in the park