Chata Pra Caralho English Translation Lyrics by Anitta
Minha amiga Juliana, quando bebe, dá trabalho
My friend Juliana, when she drinks, she causes trouble
Fala pelos cotovelos, não quer sair do meu lado
She talks nonstop, doesn’t want to leave my side
Não me deixa rebolar, fala pertinho com mó bafo
She won’t let me dance, talks close with terrible breath
Tu é chata, chata pra caralho
You’re annoying, extremely annoying
Tu é chata, chata pra caralho
You’re annoying, extremely annoying
Sabe que falo na cara, então pega esse recado
You know I speak my mind, so take this message
Tu é chata, chata pra caralho
You’re annoying, extremely annoying
A safada da Renata não aguenta ver um macho
Renata the troublemaker can’t stand seeing a guy
Espalhou fofoca minha, mamou meu ex-namorado
Spread rumors about me, hooked up with my ex-boyfriend
Se pedisse com carinho, a gente tinha revezado
If she’d asked nicely, we would have taken turns
Tu é falsa, falsa pra caralho
You’re fake, extremely fake
Sabe que falo na cara, então eu vou te dar o papo
You know I speak my mind, so here’s the deal
Tu é falsa, falsa pra caralho
You’re fake, extremely fake
Little hand
Fulana é recalcada, minha cópia barata
So-and-so is envious, my cheap copy
Sou Mc Cabral, a primeira da parada
I’m MC Cabral, the first in the scene
Existe um abismo entre eu e você
There’s an abyss between you and me
Vem cá me dar um abraço, eu te consolo, meu bebê
Come here and give me a hug, I’ll comfort you, my baby
Pego na sua mãozinha, te mostro meu trabalho
I take your little hand, show you my work
Eu quero é que se foda, tu é pesada pra caralho
I don’t care, you’re a burden
Que que ela tá falando, mano?
What is she talking about, man?
A minha Pomba Gira nem te achou lá do baralho
My Pomba Gira didn’t even find you in the deck
Não dá
It’s not worth it
- “Recalcada” means envious or bitter, often used to describe someone who is resentful or jealous.
- “Pomba Gira” refers to a spiritual entity in Afro-Brazilian religions, often associated with feminine energy and power.
- “Mamou meu ex-namorado” is a colloquial way of saying someone had a romantic encounter with the speaker’s ex.
- The song uses slang and colloquial language that might be culturally specific and could sound harsh or confrontational.