Vaivén English Translation Lyrics by Alfredo Olivas
When it’s possible and it doesn’t rain again
When there’s no danger lurking nearby
When I reckon the waters have calmed down
That’s when I write to see if you’re alright
When I’ve fulfilled my role as a well-behaved one
When it has stopped raining, I tell you again
When the coast is clear
I step aside so I can read you
You are my love and I’m not afraid to say it
Though when I do, I lower my voice
And in the sway of what’s allowed and not
We find ourselves right in the middle
The last thing I think of before I fall asleep
You are the dream I love the most
A sigh that escapes me while I sleep
And the first thing I do as I wake
I like it when it sounds like the warmth of drinks
That song that reminds me so much of you
The feeling of ordering a whiskey on the rocks
And it takes me back to the day I met you
You are without a doubt my favorite sin
The mischief I’ll never tell anyone about
The kiss I undoubtedly need
A smile that escapes without wanting to
Long live rock, long live jazz
Long live cumbia, long live tequila, bacanora, and mezcal
When your passion meets my fervor
It’s certain that nothing can go wrong
(Spoken) Woohoo… Long live what we have