Alex Campos - Te He Visto Fiel English Translation Lyrics

Te He Visto Fiel English Translation Lyrics by Alex Campos

It’s been a while since I began to believe
You saved me from ruin, and I found a future
And though I’ve sometimes forgotten, since those days gone by
I knew well, I’ve seen you faithful

I’ve seen you faithful with every sunrise
And when it sets as well
I’ve seen you faithful, though undeserved, you went to a cross
To save me, Jesus
I’ve seen you faithful
I’ve seen you faithful

There have been hard times in this growth
When the course of life kept me from running
But even when I’ve failed, you’ve never abandoned me
I know very well, I’ve seen you faithful

I’ve seen you faithful with every sunrise
And when it sets as well
I’ve seen you faithful, though undeserved, you went to a cross
To save me, Jesus
I’ve seen you faithful

The moment will come when I’ll finally see you
Not by merits I’ve earned, but solely by faith
When I hear your voice say
“In the little, you were faithful, my servant”

I will sing

I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
I want to be faithful to Him
I want to be faithful to Him

I’ve seen you faithful with every sunrise
And when it sets as well
I’ve seen you faithful, though undeserved, you went to a cross
To save me, Jesus
I’ve seen you faithful

You are faithful, I’ve seen you faithful

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